We just can’t shake IT – ITIL remains tremendously relevant

av | jun 1, 2019 | ITIL/ITSM

Please forget all the protests. Lay down the defensive accusations of “too much bureaucracy” and “it doesn’t work here”. IT Service Management and ITIL are more relevant than ever to today’s IT. Here’s five quick reasons why:

  1. IT is all about services. ITIL clarified this over 20 years ago while most of us were lost in the technological components.  The only, real value from IT is our ability to string together IT assets in a harmonious mix that actually works. This is what we call an IT service.
  2. The Service Value System and Chain of ITIL is key to ensure ongoing, structurally sound IT. From opportunity to delivered value,  we must establish a well-functioning organization, building independent functionality while understanding interdependency. ITIL’s best-practice guidance gives us a framework for just that. And in turn, works in a complementary manner with other frameworks such as Agile, DevOps and Lean IT.
  3. Understanding and supporting the break-fix of IT remains (unfortunately) one of our critical areas of IT work. While not tolerating the breaks, we do need to deliver efficient and effective Incident, Problem and Change Management. Many misunderstandings remain here – ITIL can help.
  4. Clarifying our IT-offering is vital. How is our customer to understand what we do if we cannot present it in a clear and credible fashion? ITIL helps clarify this with its emphasis on Portfolio and Catalog management. Get your offering in order.
  5. ITIL is foremost and finally all about value to customers. As IT providers, we MUST be able to relate our decisions and deliveries to this.  What I first perceived as sales propaganda and management speak, I now understand as core.  It seems simple, but we should work with it every day in IT in order to become world class.

The ITIL library of best-practice documentation, course offerings and support methods strives to provide assistance on both a practical and more detailed theoretical level.  And yes – it has also been the source of much debate, many unnecessary process diagrams, and thousands of headaches. (While the former can and should be improved, the latter is to be expected with large-scale knowledge frameworks.)  Don’t let this get you down – take it in bite-size chunks and keep at it.  World class IT is not meant to be easy, but it is achievable with consistent and deliberate effort over time.

IT is mission critical, and in today’s buzz about digitalization, even more a source for business efficiency and transformation. It is in many ways simple but not easy, and our job is to learn more and constantly improve. As with many other frameworks and sources of knowledge, it provides opportunity. With ITIL’s help, learn more and find its relevance in your business.

ITIL® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

Learn more about ITIL

Onbird offers a variety of instruction and workshops regarding ITIL, including ITIL Foundation certification course.

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