Agile, Lean, and DevOps reading tips

av | jun 9, 2023 | DEVOPS, FLÖDE

We get the question quite often – where can we learn more about change via Agile,  Lean and DevOps? Here’s a list of our book tips. Enjoy and let us know what you think and if you have other suggestions!

This is lean - Modig och Ålström

This is Lean – Modig & Åhlström

Swedish authors from the Stockholm School of Economics help to simply explain the essence of Lean. Perhaps the most easily accessible book on the subject, Modig and Åhlström have wonderful insights, especially regarding flow and resource efficiency. Read our review here.

Making work visible - Degrandis

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team – Lencioni

Author Patrick Lencioni’s classic came out in 2002 and remains one of the better stories and methodologies for building great teams.  Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability and Results.  Simple and critical read regarding team dynamics.  And read more here about our team development based on this book.

Making work visible - Degrandis

Sooner Safer Happier – Smart

Auther Jonathan Smart introduces his change outcome idea for agile/iterative work. The real goal is BETTER VALUE SOONER SAFER HAPPIER. This is what we should focus on and our methods are simply means to achieving it.  Great read.

Lean IT: Enabling and Sustaining Your Lean Transformation – Bell & Orzen

War and Peace and IT – Schwartz

Author Mark Schwartz brings interesting examples and inspiration to the idea that the business and IT MUST improve their relationship.  Each party needs to increase the dialog with and understanding of the other.

Verktyg, stöd och kunskap i DevOps

Onbird har samlat ett antal verktyg, skrifter och kurserbjudanden på vår DevOps-sida.

Lean Thinking – Womack & Jones

Project to Product – Kersten

Traditional project methodologies are struggling to maintain pace with change.  Author Mik Kersten presents his Flow Framework and exemplifies transitioning to more iterative change over time.

Get the book at Adlibris.

The Machine that Changed the World – Womack, Jones & Roos

The Machine that Changed the World – Womack, Jones & Roos

One of the classic Lean books, this is the story of the automobile industry and the evolution of Lean within it.

Get the book at Amazon.

Get the book at Bokus.

Drive – The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us – Pink

Drive – The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us – Pink

A fascinating study of motivation based on scientific and behavioral research. Pink challenges traditional thinking and gives us the three elements of true motivation. Wonderful input to our Lean teams.

Get the book at Amazon.

Get the book at Adlibris.

The Phoenix Project – Kim, Behr, Spafford

The Phoenix Project – Kim, Behr, Spafford

An interesting story which is non-technical and easy-to read, The Phoenix Project provides insights into the balance of IT and the business. First published in 2013, the book is considered an early and important book in the movements of DevOps and Lean IT. Here is our blog post about the book.

Get the book at Amazon.

Get the book at Adlibris.

Kanske världens bästa introduktion till agilitet?

Lär dig mer om agil och iterativ förändring på en dag.  Noll PowerPoint, mycket dialog och aktivering.  Ta del av Onbirds mest populära kurs.

The Unicorn Project – Kim

The Unicorn Project – Kim

The Phoenix Project continues in this follow-up – this time the theme explores further the concepts of efficiency, flow and enjoying your work with IT. Here is more about the book.

Get the book at Amazon.

Get the book at Adlibris.


The DevOps Handbook – Kim, Humble, DeBois, Willis

The DevOps Handbook – Kim, Humble, DeBois, Willis

As it’s titled, the handbook for the Dev + Ops movement. How do we get the two to work together and to what benefit?

Get the book at Amazon.

Get the book at Adlibris.


The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses – Eric Ries

The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses – Eric Ries

An insightful book explaining one way of applying lean principles to a start-up of primarily an IT-based business. Shows critical steps for success with a sturdy platform in agile methodologies but applied on a business level. Excellent way of applying some of the Lean IT principles on a business matter.

Get the book at Amazon.

Respect for People – Kusén & Ljung

Respect for People – Kusén & Ljung

Swedish authors again, a book about lean leadership based on respect for people. Kusén and Ljung use examples from their Lean journey with Scania.

Get the book at Amazon.

Get the book at Adlibris.

A library of Lean ideas

Ta en titt bland våra bloggposter, resurser, utbildningar och workshops.  Get Lean.

The Lean IT Field Guide – Orzen & Paider

The Lean IT Field Guide – Orzen & Paider

Field guide which pairs with the above textbook. Roadmap structure of lean info and actions to pursue.

The Toyota Way – Liker

The Toyota Way – Liker

The definitive book about Toyotas Production System including history, examples, and an introduction to the 14 management principles of Toyota.

Making work visible - Degrandis

Making Work Visible – Degrandis

Degrandis reveals the real crime – TIME THEFT.  Read about how Kanban can help save you from the five thieves of time.

Lean IT certifieringskurs

Vill du lära dig mer om Lean IT och hur det kan hjälpa dig med snabbare leveranstider?  Vi tipsar om vår Lean IT Foundation-kurs, inklusive erkänd certifiering!

Jeffrey Schmitz

Arbete med förändringsledning och ledarskapsutveckling tycker jag är roligt och viktigt. Det bästa jag vet är att bidra till en "a-ha-upplevelse". Favvo-verktyg är färgpennor och ett blädderblock för att driva kreativa workshops. Certifieringslistan innehåller en blandning av ITIL, Agile/Scrum/SAFe, Lean IT, DevOps m.m. Läs mer om Jeffrey

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